Use the 3 Rs to become a more resourceful decorator while also saving money. By Diane Franklin Thinking of tossing an old table into the bin? Ready to donate the crib your toddler has outgrown to the Goodwill? Planning on tearing out old cabinets and countertops and replacing them with new? Before you do any [...]
How to Clean Paint-Stiff Sundries
June 4, 2020If your brushes and rollers weren’t cleaned properly the last time you painted, try these methods for rescuing them … By Tammy Adamson-McMullen As the weather warms up, many of us are heading outside to paint. As you gather up supplies, you may find paint-caked brushes and rollers that you intended to clean after another [...]
The DIYer’s Guide to Prepping Your Walls
May 14, 2020Before you paint, you have to prep. Follow these steps to do it right. By Diane Franklin Any painting pro will tell you—the difference between a so-so painting job and an excellent one is in the prep. You can use the same quality paint and the same quality paint applicators, but if you skimped on [...]
Five Uses for Leftover Paint
May 14, 2020If you have unused paint in your basement, now is the time to get out your paintbrush and get creative. By Diane Franklin Typically when you paint a room in your home, you are going to have something left over in the can. Maybe you have a collection of those cans in your basement, having [...]
Where Do We Go From Gray?
May 14, 2020Gray has dominated the palette for the last several years. Now we’re starting to see the emergence of other colors to enhance or replace this popular hue. By Diane Franklin As we spend more time in our homes, we may be thinking about the next big color trend. Grays have been huge in home decorating [...]
All the Comforts of Home
May 14, 2020“Home” should be as comfortable as possible! If your home doesn’t meet that description, here are ideas to help you achieve it. By Tammy Adamson-McMullen Does the word “home” conjure up sensations of comfort for you? Of safety, serenity and sanctuary? Of a warm and cozy embrace? Hopefully this is true for you, but if [...]
Al Fresco Decorating
May 14, 2020Like interior spaces, exterior spaces need decorating, too. By Tammy Adamson-McMullen Patios, decks, porches and gardens increasingly have become expansions of our living space. This is especially true now, as we’ve found ourselves by choice or necessity more at home than ever before. To be more “livable,” outdoor spaces should be as well decorated as [...]
Five Painting Tips for DIYers
April 6, 2020Want to paint like a pro? Follow these proven steps. By Diane Franklin Painting is one of the top DIY home improvement projects, but don’t assume that you’ll be able to paint like a pro without doing a bit of self-education. Painting well requires using the right products and the right techniques. If you follow [...]
Fitting Odd-Shaped Windows
April 6, 2020There’s the perfect solution for every type of window shape imaginable. By Diane Franklin Not all windows are created equal. There are angled windows, arched windows, semicircular windows, bay windows, corner windows, tall windows, high windows, skinny windows—and let’s not forget about the glass on patio doors and French doors as well. Fortunately, you can [...]
Beyond Subway Tile
April 6, 2020‘Subway’ isn’t the only way to go in a tile project. There are so many other creative choices… By Tammy Adamson-McMullen White subway tile has been one of the biggest decorating stories in recent years. The tile’s clean lines, bright appearance and classic 3-by-6-inch dimension are pleasing to the eye and work in many settings. [...]